Chennai airport primary and nursery school – This school is managed by Chennai airport, to provide a good education for the economically weaker sections in and around Chennai airport. The parents are mostly contact workers, daily wagers, who lost their job due to COVID 19.
As part of our Gift of Education program, a cheque for Rs.4 lakhs towards fees of 44 students has been handed over to the Headmistress in the presence of Dr.Shardkumar, Airport Director, Chennai Airport by our trustees Mr.Santhanam and Mr. Ramesh Kumar on 29th Sep 2021.Thanks for the support given by the Teachers and Staff of the Airport Authority of India.
Anandha Deepavali is one of the major event organised for the less privileged children. Over 15 orphan homes join hands together under one roof to celebrate deepavali with immense joy and satisfaction and make it Anandha deepavali. The journey continues with abundance joy showered for the last 24 years.
Udhavum Ullangal celebrates Ananda Deepavali on 31st October 2021. You too can help put a smile on a child with a generous donation.